This is a script written by Surman that automatically converts 4 PDF files into one and brings in the contractors name onto an invoice.

When housebuilder is upgraded it loses this script as it reverts back to the default configuration files. 

To fix, copy the file Surman created back into the configuration files of housebuilder.

The file is here \\fileshares\steve surman spitfire\7 SPS\SpitoutAd\>PY5_Header_A4.rpt

Copy it to Program Files (x86)>Eque2>Housebuilding>Reports (paste it in here and overwrite the original file)


Then install the Outlook Add-In - Navigate to:

\\fileshares\steve surman spitfire\7 SPS\SpitOutAd and run the Setup.exe file

(Within Outlook, you may have to customize the ribbon to show the 'Add-In' tab)