File explorer just instantly crashes when opened. Try the below first, I think this is the permanent fix.

Open the user folder shortcut from the desktop, if its not there add it by right clicking on desktop>Personalise>Themes>Desktop Icon settings

Right click quick access and change the "Open file explorer to" This PC and untick show recently used files in Quick Access - I think Quick Access is what causes the issue

Here are a few other things if the issue keeps coming back

Unplug from the monitor if its a laptop and go to the display settings, make sure the scale is not set to more than 150%

Right click on Quick Access>Options and click on clear privacy. Click OK to close and then try file explorer from the taskbar again. It should now work.

If still not working you can try and create a new shortcut, right click on the desktop>New>Shortcut. Type in C:\Windows\explorer.exe and then File Explorer, this will create a shortcut on the desktop, try to open this and see if it works.

I also notice that if it open file explorer in Quick access it tends to fail more often, change it to open to This PC instead. /Karin