Sometimes a user will delete a meeting from the room calendar's without it being removed from the booking manager in resource central.

To remove a "stuck" booking you have to manually enter SQL queries into the resource central database. Login to the resource central admin page as system.

Username : system

Password : manager

Then go to "Database" and enter these commands in the SQL statement box.

The SQL query below will let you find the right meeting, you can then get the ID.

Select * from reservations where subject = 'ENTER_SUBJECT_OF_MEETING_HERE' order by StartDate

Once you’ve got the ID I usually run the following to just confirm I’ve got it right;

Select * from reservations where id = ‘ID#’

Once your happy you have the right meeting ID you then need to run the following under the SQL section, Advanced, and select the “Execute update query” radial button

Update reservations set active = '0' where id = 'ID#'

 Then head back over to Resource Finder, refresh the page and make sure that the appointment has gone.

Basically you are setting the Active field to 0 so that it does not show as an active meeting. It won't actually delete the meeting itself.