Create a new As400 user menu

Create on the Test machine and transfer to the Live…

On Minerva type YWRKMNU on the command line and prompt F4

Enter DMAN in the Menu File Name option

Search for the menu you need and then put a C to copy it



WHEREIS – Scan for the current menu DMAN on Athena

Determine which Library DMAN is currently using and restore the new DMAN to the opposite library


SAVRSTOBJ – This saves, sends and restores DMAN onto Athena in one command. 

As Qsecofr on Minerva call this command and prompt with F4, F10 for more options and restore back to the library where DMAN is not currently being used


 ** If IMXXXPTF is in use it will be higher in the library list than IMGVIGEN

Restore your object back to the IMGVIGEN and submit a scheduled job to QPGMR jobq overnight to DLTOBJ DMAN/IMXXXPTF

** If IMGVIGEN is in use it will be lower than IMXXXPTF

Restore your object back to the IMXXXPTF and it will take immediate effect, then submit a scheduled job to QPGMR jobq overnight to delete the one in IMGVIGEN

SBMJOB F4 – then in command to run type dltobj and F4

Delete the library that is in use with DMAN

F10 to show more options and schedule for 22:30

 That’s it, check that job has deleted the in use library overnight.