• Go to EAZYEFT folder in apps and run the CRruntime. This needs to be installed on the machine beforehand. Then run the latest version of the EazyEFT installers. Can be installed from the “Software” folder on Dublindc1 if in Ireland. Latest version of the software can also be downloaded from www.lirsoftware.com

  • During the EazyEFT install the server name is PRINT and you will need to create a Subaru folder or a Citroen folder to install the program into. Once finished do not run the program.


The licence file no longer needs to be installed so you can skip the next step

  • Now run the licence file according to the franchise, IM Automotive is for Subaru and IM European motors is for Citroen. Make sure you repoint the installer to the correct Subaru or Citroen directory where you installed the EazyEFT.

  • Open Notepad ++ with admin rights and locate programx86\lirsoftware\Subaru or Citroen and edit the EazyEFT.Sepaedition.ini – Configuration settings file. In the database name field put _Subaru or Citroen on the end depending on the version you need. Save the changes and close.

  • Rename the desktop shortcut to Subaru or Citroen and then run the program. Log in and add the user to give them an EazyEFT profile – You will need to create a profile for both Subaru and Citroen in each respective version. Give the user access to the EazyEFT folder on Fileshares and then test the path in the “Company Maintenance” section in EazyEFT.

  • Occasionally you will get an error about DbProvider factories can only exist once and it will give you the name of the file path and line of code. Something like this

    In which case you have to run notepad ++ as admin and navigate to the file to open it. Then go to the config line in the error and you should see something like this

    Delete the highlighted line and save the changes. This should resolve the error