Create a folder on the root of the C drive and call it JATO Software (Do not Delete)

Then go to itapps\apps$\JATO and copy all of the items into the folder you just created

Right click on Setup and run as administrator. Next through the first few pages then select "Standalone". Leave install location as default and click next. You can leave the customer information window blank and then click on next.

Change the Program language and Data Language drop downs to "English (UK)" and click next. Then click install.

Once complete next step is to licence the software. Open the start menu>JATO V5>Request a V5 licence

This will open a webpage. Enter the users email address and submit. If the user has a licence it will display on the screen. Select submit again and it will email the licence to the user. Open the licence attached to the email and it will automatically install and apply it.

Next go back to the JATO install files on the C drive and run the port change executable as admin. This will allow the software to connect to the JATO server.

Now open up the V5 data update program from the start menu or the icon on the desktop. Go to settings and enter the credentials in the top 2 fields. The login details are in a text file in the JATO folder on apps.

Save and close the settings window. You should see the database appear in the list, highlight it and click start to download and install the database. 

Once completed you should be able to run the JATO V5 program from the desktop and use as normal.


Contacts if anything doesn't work properly are Simon Bailey ( and Mike Keeler (