Export done AM

Now go to Review in the ANPR system and select the Date and Time search box. Do a search for the previos day between morning and afternoon to bring up a list of all vehicles scanned on the given day

Export the search results and download the file to your PC

Take the downloaded export and paste it here \\fileshares\Department\Comp_Dept\ANPR_FILES\DailyExport

Replace or delete the Export file from the previous day (Nav's other program will take this export and generate a user friendly file

Import (pm)

Go to \\fileshares\Department\Comp_Dept\ANPR_FILES

Open the ANPR extract file (this is generated every day at 4pm by Nav's program)

Save the file as a CSV and add todays date to the file name. Close and reopen the now CSV file

Open the Consolidated list and copy all of the reg numbers

Paste the reg numbers from the consolidated list onto the bottom of the ANPR Extract CSV file

Extend the Staff and IM Employee fields alongside the pasted reg's and save the file with todays date.csv

Now go to in the browser and login to the ANPR system. Credentials are security for both.

Click on Vehicle database and then Import the ANPR Extract CSV file into the system