To run the .jar executable you must have java installed first.

  • Install Squirrel from the Apps folder (check it is the latest version in this folder)
  • Change the installation path to the Users Documents folder - Call the folder SQuirrelSQL
  • Accept all defaults
  • Open Users>Documents>Squirrel – Drag SQL Aliases23 into here
  • Copy JT400 into above folder
  • Run Squirrel – Click on the ‘Drivers’ tab on the left-hand side
  • Add new drive. Name: JT400 
  • Copy the path from the Alias Config file into ‘Example URL’ and ‘Website URL’
    jdbc:as400://;naming=system;libraries=qtemp,proddta;access=read only;date format=iso;translate binary=true
  • Click Extra Class Path
  • Click Add
  • Select JT400 from the Squirrel folder (copied earlier)
  • Click List Drivers. This will populate the Class Name. Click OK.
  • Should now see a message at the bottom of the screen highlighted in green to say this has been successfully added




  • Click Aliases tab on the left-hand side. Add new alias
  • Name: Athena. 
  • Driver: JT400. 
  • URL: This should auto populate
  • Enter the users’ details. Tick auto login and connect at start-up.
  • Test connection