A few commands to try if windows is not booting properly or stuck in a windows update reboot loop

bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No - Turn off Automatic Startup repair (change to yes to re-enable)

bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu yes - Turn on F8 recovery options menu (no to turn off again)

Rebuild the BCD

bcdedit /createstore %temp%\emptyBCD

bcdedit /import %temp%\emptyBCD /clean

bcdboot C:\Windows

Revert windows updates

dism.exe /image:C:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions   C: may differ depending on where the windows install is located

Some files that can be deleted to help reset windows update chain

del D:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution

del D:\Windows\WinSxS\cleanup.xml

del D:\Windows\WinSxS\pending.xml