1. Open item and navigate to Movement history. As this was receipt replication problem >> limit records to Item receipt and check the result:
We can see that PO Purchase Order #ISE0000066W was not received in “Trade” (no paired receipt line). Click on date of the “Warehouse” receipt to open the document

2. Click on link to open inbound shipment Part was received from:

3. In inbound shipment find the matching inbound shipment which was not received. Shown here:

4. Open that inbound shipment:

And we see that this is a case of Double ownership transfer. Next step is to resolve this:
5. Open the ownership transfer record which we will now delete:
6. Click edit:

7. Make sure that period is changed to current period:

8. Mouseover Actions, select Delete:

9. Confirm:

10. In Delete record reason pop-up select Other and fill in the text:

11. System will show an error. Ignore it:

12. Check that related transaction is 1 now and click Receive

13. Click on Inventory detail box to provide Proper inventory status:

14. Save the Receive shipment :
15. System will run Processing the receipt:

16. After around 30 second the item is received: