If the user had a number before in AVAYA and hasn't got a number in BT Cloud - follow below

Order a Temporary Number and assign to auto-receptionist

Confirm order

You have to find a spare number between 0121 730 8000-8299 (Check phone system - all numbers look for a gap in the number sequence).


How to get the numbers swapped from storage - Ring BT tel. 0800 389 0598 or click support https://support.btcloudphone.bt.com/SupportPortalContact?pageid=contact

Setup a new phone extension on Ring Central


then this order will be processed, goto "Unassigned extensions"

Click into your number "Ext. with no device assigned"


Then click you user name in Users with Extensions (see below)

Remove the Number and put back to auto-receptionist (DON'T DELETE JUST PUT BACK to AUTO RECEPTIONIST)

** How to remove a Number from a user.


Order £££




** How to remove a Number from a user.

Then on RingCentral
