ANPR File Prep

Open the ANPR_FILES drive - \\fileshares\anpr_files

Open ANPR Extract, Consolidated List and plateNolist_UploadFile

On the plateNolist_UploadFile file, Delete the Number Plates from the "Plate No." Column

Next Open the ANPR Extract File and highlight column C. Then go to the "DATA" Tab at the top and click on "Remove Duplicates". Then Click on "Continue with the current selection" and press "Remove Duplicates". Then Copy all the regs and paste into the plateNolist_UploadFile.

Scroll to the bottom of the list after you have pasted in the Reg Numbers, You may see that the numbers do not match up like below. If this is the case fill the information in. For example, in this case you would put 913 in the first column and 1 in the third column. 913 being the about of Reg Numbers and 1 meaning allow through the gate.

Save the file.


Go to

User: admin

Password: Entry689!

Click on VCA

Then Click on Road Traffic

Click on Blocklist & Allowlist

Browse for the Reg list in the ANPR_FILES fileshare drive. and upload the file.

Once uploaded, check that there are no plates in the blocklist, if there is the file hasn't uploaded correctly. To check this change the "Filter By" drop down to "Type" and the "keywords" to "Blocklist" and press search, this should come back blank.

If importing of the file fails export a list from the ANPR camera URL and copy the information from the file you created into the exported list - this usually fixes the import issues. Also check for blank records at the bottom of the file as this causes the import to fail.