
Parts are unavailable. Please Call IM Nordic (Warranty System Down)
Run as a standard user on the as400, job queue QPGMR Parts are unavailable. Please Call IM Nordic (Warranty System Down) add this to the notes for m...
Fri, 2 Feb, 2024 at 10:35 AM
Long names won't email as400 reports (Hybrid Excchange)
If ever you get a new starter and they are not receiving email reports from the as400 it maybe because they don't have a short name entry on the Hybrid ...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 at 3:07 PM
IBM UAC update here
Get new code from Tinker or Mick Then update here on the vHMC -
Fri, 23 Feb, 2024 at 3:23 PM